Friday, March 11, 2011

Millionaire Dentist Steals Credit Card, Buys Pizza

In this blog, we have covered a lot of weird stories involving credit card theft. There was the businessman who stole from Peter Jackson to save his company, the woman who wanted some liposuction and a boob job, and the CVS cashier who just wanted some booze and cigarettes. For the first time, however, I am stumped, all thanks to a dentist from Michigan who apparently wanted some free pizza.

This strange story begins with a college student Harrun Majeed accidentally dropping his credit card in a grocery store parking lot. The card was found by Richard Lewis Ludwig, the aforementioned dentist, who was in the area for his son's baseball tournament. Instead of turning in the card to the authorities, Ludwig stopped in at a nearby pizzeria and placed an order for two large pizzas with extra olives. He was still waiting for the pizza when the police arrived to arrest him.

My initial thought was that maybe the guy was just hungry and short on cash. Perhaps his dental practice had fallen on hard times, and he had several small hungry children at home who really liked olives on their pizza. Well, as it turns out, Ludwig had absolutely no excuse for his actions beyond that he wanted some free pizza. When the police took him in, he had $250 in his wallet, and according to Ludwig himself, his net worth is about $4 million.

There is nothing else to say but to give Richard Lewis Ludwig of Michigan the Navin R. Johnson Award for credit card theft stupidity. You had $250 in your pocket, and you used a poor college student's credit card to cover a $40 pizza bill. You are a moron.

To learn more about responsible credit card use, check out, and go to to sign up for a free credit evaluation today.

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