Sometimes it can be tough writing about credit card debt, deceptive practices by credit card companies, and the bad economy. To be honest, it gets me down. Many Americans are having a tough year financially, and I have a hard time finding something worth a smile, much less a chuckle.
For those of you out there having a bad week and in need of a laugh, I ask you to direct your attention to Miss Shatarka Nuby, the latest winner of the prestigious Navin R. Johnson award.
Nuby is a repeat offender who has been busted before for using a fake driver’s license to cash a check, and she has been caught with fake IDs and credit cards opened under other peoples’ names. This time, she stole a college application and used the information from the form to open a new credit card. Why would she steal a stranger’s identity and potentially mess up a young college-bound student’s credit? She wanted $9,000 worth of plastic surgery. Nuby already had breast implants, but the surgery would give her bigger implants and liposuction to boot.
Now, this might seems selfish, superficial, and downright stupid of Shatarka Nuby. Did she really think that she could get surgery and pay for it using a credit card in someone else’s name? If you will allow me, however, I think I can get inside the head of Miss Nuby and explain her thought process.
Women rarely get breast implants and liposuction for themselves. They get breast implants and liposuction because they are concerned what other people are thinking about them. I think Nuby did it because she wanted to meet a man, specifically a rich man who would appreciate her lack of character and newly inflated assets. Her dilemma was that she needed the surgery to get a rich boyfriend, but she needed the rich boyfriend to get the surgery she couldn’t afford, the Catch-22 of gold-diggers. Maybe she thought that if she got the surgery through illegal means, she could buy her way out of it later once she had the aforementioned rich boyfriend, but that was a calculated risk which resulted in a two-and-a-half-year prison sentence instead of a life of luxury.
For this reason, we are giving the Navin R. Johnson Award to Shatarka Nuby. We hope that your liposuction and new implants were worth the prison sentence.
To learn more about responsible credit card use and protecting yourself from credit card theft, go to, and go to to sign up for a free credit evaluation.
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