Monday, April 18, 2011

"Raising Arizona" Thieves Steal HD TVs, Baby Clothes

In Raising Arizona, Nicholas Cage holds up a convenience store for some cash and an economy-sized pack of Huggies diapers. The whole scenario is ridiculous and played up for laughs, but earlier this week, three women in North Carolina followed suit, using stolen credit cards to buy baby clothes.

The stolen credit cards belonged to teachers at two local elementary schools. One of the women, who as of now has not been identified, walked into the schools and asked to use the bathroom. At one school, she had to sign in at the office, and she used a fake name. She then sneaked into several unoccupied classrooms where several teachers had left their purses and stole their wallets.

From there, the three women, one of whom is pregnant, bought an American Express pre-paid credit card and went on a shopping spree. Their purchases included an X-Box, two HD televisions, a phone, and baby clothing.

This story would be kind of funny if it wasn't so sad for the people these selfish women were stealing from. I mean, these credit cards belonged to elementary school teachers, a profession which is underpaid, under-appreciated, and overworked. I don't really care what excuse these women have for their actions because honestly, there is no excuse for stealing anyone's credit card, much less a teacher's credit card, and using it to buy two HD televisions.

The good news is that the police have video surveillance of these women, and it is only a matter of time until they are caught. For going on their Raising Arizona-esque shopping spree, I am awarding the Navin R. Johnson Award to all three of these women and especially the still-unidentified pregnant woman. You will most likely be bringing a child into the world just as you are heading off to prison. How stupid can you get?

To learn more about responsible credit card use, check out, and go to to sign up for a free credit evaluation today.

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